ARC 董事会 Adopts Atlanta Region’s Plan, a Long-Range Blueprint for Success


联系人: 吉姆Jaquish
电话: 404-463-3194
电子邮件: jjaquish@atlantaregional.com

(Atlanta – Feb 24, 2016)

亚特兰大地区al Commission (ARC) board today approved the Atlanta Region’s Plan, a long-range blueprint that details the investments and programs needed to ensure metro Atlanta’s future success and improve the region’s quality of life.

这个计划, developed with robust public input, incorporates all of ARC’s planning areas: transportation, 社区发展, 自然资源, workforce development and aging & 卫生服务. The ARC board previously adopted a plan framework that focuses on a three-fold vision: providing world-class infrastructure; fostering healthy, livable communities; and building a competitive economy.

“This plan outlines the steps needed for metro Atlanta to remain a vibrant, 活力的地区, with a high quality of life and a thriving economy,” said ARC 董事会 Chair Kerry Armstrong. “It will help improve mobility, create more walkable communities, 确保h888皇冠电玩手机端有一个干净的, abundant water supply and meet the needs of our region’s fast-growing population of older adults.”

这个计划 is available online at www.atlantaregionsplan.com

ARC forecasts that over the next 25 years, the Atlanta region’s population will grow by 2.5 million – the equivalent of adding all of today’s metro Charlotte. 亚特兰大地区’s Plan takes this growth into account, programming funding for new transportation options and encouraging the development of walkable, mixed-use centers and corridors that provide better access to jobs and services.

这个计划 includes an $85.10亿年 investment in the region’s transportation system. Nearly two-thirds of the funds will be needed to maintain existing infrastructure, such as paving roads and repairing bridges, while $280亿年 will be spent to expand the region’s transportation network. Expenditures through 2040 include:

  • Expansion of the network of managed toll lanes on area highways (I-75, I-575, Ga. 400, i - 285上部, I-20, I-85) promising better commutes for people who ride transit, 拼车或交过路费. Cost: $7 billion (for projects not yet under construction)
  • Widening and improving major arterial roads. 费用:5美元.80亿年
  • Highway interchange improvements – 13 new interchanges and 22 major upgrades. 成本:$ 3.10亿年
  • Potential transit expansion projects (佐治亚州克莱顿县. 400, I-20 East, Clifton Corridor, Connect 科布, Atlanta BeltLine/Streetcar). 成本:11美元.90亿年

ARC and its planning partners throughout the region understand that people of all ages, from young professionals to retiring Baby Boomers, 欲望更有活力, walkable places with access to amenities, greenspace and improved housing options.

例如, the Atlanta Region’s Plan includes continued support for ARC’s Livable Centers Initiative, which provides funding for community planning studies and related transportation projects, such as sidewalks and intersection improvements. Through 2040, $318 million is programmed to help communities implement their LCI visions.

这个计划 also provides policy initiatives and investments designed to help people remain in their communities as they age. This includes transportation, caregiver support and in-home services, such as home-delivered meals.

To ensure the region remains economically competitive, the plan includes initiatives such as Aerotropolis Atlanta, an alliance of public and private organizations that seeks to transform the airport area into a world-class economic hub.

“We have much work to do to ensure our region’s future success,道格·胡克说, ARC执行董事. “While this plan provides clear direction, it will take the entire region, 一起工作, to truly move the needle and make meaningful change.”

亚特兰大地区al Commission (ARC) is the official planning agency for the 10-county Atlanta Region, 包括切罗基, 克莱顿, 科布, 迪卡尔布, 道格拉斯, 菲也特, 富尔顿, 昆内特, Henry and Rockdale counties as well as the City of Atlanta and 70 other cities. 亚特兰大地区al Commission serves as a catalyst for regional progress by focusing leadership, attention and planning resources on key regional issues.

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